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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Giving Back

With the recent tornado that hit our friends in Oklahoma, I am reminded of how life can change in the drop of a dime.  Looking at the destruction, the devastation is heartbreaking.  So with that being said, today’s blog is about giving back and helping those in need, something that NEVER goes out of style.  In today’s society, we have so much expected of us that we tend to get wrapped up in our own lives and forget that there are people out there struggling.  When we have a bad day, it can feel like the world is coming down on us, when actually, it is just a one off day.  There are people out there who struggle in life every day and could use our help.  So fashionistas, let’s get out there and show our fellow people that we care for them and their well-being, you have no idea what a helping hand can do to change someone’s life.  There are tons of ways you can help, the first is very easy.  Do you have a friend or coworker who has been down?  Why not take a minute to think about something that may cheer them up, you could leave them a little note telling them that you are thinking about them and they can come to you if they need anything.  If you have a couple extra hours in your month, there are tons of charity groups that are ALWAYS looking for volunteers.  Don’t have the time to volunteer?  How about a small donation here and there, I am not saying fork over a huge chunk of change, but did you know that $1.00 at the North Dallas Food Bank feeds three people?  THREE PEOPLE FOR $1.00!  Listed below are just a few ways you can help those in Oklahoma who have lost EVERYTHING and are in need of immediate help.  Thank you for caring, it is truly beautiful.  

Helping Oklahoma
American Red Cross of Central & Western Oklahoma:
The Red Cross has set up shelters in various communities. You can donate to the Red Cross Disaster Relief fund here OR Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10.00 

OK Strong Disaster Relief Fund:
The state of Oklahoma, coordinating with the United Way of Central Oklahoma, on Tuesday established the OK Strong Disaster Relief Fund to help "with the long-term medical, emotional and educational needs of victims

Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma
The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, working with the Oklahoma Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, is seeking monetary donations. To donate, visit the regional food bank's website, or give $10 by texting the word FOOD to 32333.

Feed the Children
Feed the Children has set up five locations in Oklahoma City to accept donations to help victims of the Moore tornado. The organization is accepting items including diapers, canned goods, non-perishable food, snack items, water and sports drinks. The organization is also supporting mobile canteens in partnership with the Salvation Army and the Red Cross.  You can donate online, or make a $10 donation by texting the word DISASTER to 80888.

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