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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Blast From The Past!

I love a good stroll down memory lane and in particular a little stroll back to the 90's. I am a sucker for the 90’s! I get all nostalgic thinking about that decade. The majority of my adolescent years were spent in that decade and whenever someone mentions that decade I can’t help but get all sappy reminiscing! And really the 90’s were pretty sick – for more reasons than this blog post can even handle!

Lets start this little stroll down memory lane with my favorite TV shows from the 90's. Now growing up I watched a lot of TV growing up, really with all the shows that were out in the 90's how can you blame me! So I have a lot of favorites buttttt I'll limit myself here!

Saved by the Bell
Seriously best show! It was only around for three years in the 90’s but still too good not for me to include! And I will forever have a school girl crush on Zack Morris and A.C Slater! I switched every episode fantasizing about which one I would marry. I guess I will just have to settle for both!
But I’ll be there for you when the rain starts to pour.I'll be there for you, like I've been there before. I’ll be there for you, cause you’re there for me too.
You just can’t not help but belt this out whenever reruns of Friends come on. Friends was an integral part of the 90’s that started in 94’ and it was a sad sad day when it ended. I remember watching it growing up and thinking how awesome it would to have a life like theirs – living in New York City with your best friends and laughing your way through every bump in the road! Am I right or am I right?!
I think Friends is one of those shows that you can just watch over and over and over again and NOT get tired of it, I mean I know I’m not the only one who owns the box collection and has it as their go to show!
Beverly Hills, 90210
The real deal not the 90210 from like five years ago but the one from 1990! Confession, I didn’t actually watch Beverly Hills, 90210 when it was on the air, but instead ordered the series box set off of eBay! When I watched it actually doesn’t matter because this show was created in the 90’s and just goes to illustrate how awesome the 90’s were!

Some of my all time favorite movies from the 90's again way too many good movies from this decade but I'll limit myself!

An all time classic! Also my first encounter with Leonardo DiCaprio, so I love it even more! I’m going to go out on a limb and say this is probably one of the best romantic tragedies of the 1990’s. Bold, I know, but also true!

Home Alone
Okay okay Christmas is more than six months away but that doesn't even matter because it is such a great movie! Everyone’s favorite Christmas movie (and if it isn’t it should be!!) obviously came from this great decade!

There’s Something About Mary
My all time favorite Cameron Diaz movie! Out of DVD collection this one probably is one of my most watched. And every time I watch it I laugh like a freaking hyena, it’s not a pleasant sound at all but I can’t help it!

Remember when there was no downloading music online?! Yeah me neither really. But I do vaguely remember having a ginormous CD collection amongst them; Sugar Ray, Celine Dion and Britney Spears my most listened and frequently sung along to included: 
Spice girls
I can’t have a best of the 90’s and not include the Spice Girls. It would basically be a sin. Basically every girl I knew wanted to be one, and the girls who said they didn’t want to I didn’t believe. These girls were international super stars! Everyone knew their songs! I vividly remember my dad singing along to them in the car and I can’t blame the guy their songs are almost annoyingly stuck in your head all day catchy. Oh and don’t even get me started on their movie Spice World (which I obviously still have on VHS!)!!!
Backstreet Boys
Backstreets back alright! The male equivalent to Spice Girls! And I know the majority of you had a poster (or five in my case) of this coveted boy band in your room! I mean spikes, frosted tips, goatees, hoop earings….one word HAWWTTT! Not too sure if their style would make it in 2014 but for the 90’s these fine gentlemen were some serious eye candy!

My most beloved trends of the 90's were;

Crimped Hair
My crimper in middle school was basically my BFF. Every morning I would wake up early so I could spend at least a half hour crimping my hair. I was going for that effortlessly oh I just braided my hair last night and woke up like this! When in actuality I spent the better half of my morning trying not to burn my face off with my crimper! And to be honest with my hair and my lack of crimping talent it was a guaranteed lions mane! 

I owned three pairs. No lie. Why? They were a clear staple in my wardrobe. You know how every girl needs that staple little black dress in her closet? Well I was more like every girl need that perfect overall! And props to all of you who ever pulled off the one snap undone look, I just couldn’t quite get it! And who knows if they were actually popular, I just thought they were the coolest things ever!

Butterfly Clips
Since I needed something to keep my hair out of my face since I usually managed to mess it up royally while in the process of crimping it that it became more frizzy looking than anything, butterfly clips became my bestfriend! I had a whole drawer full of these bad boys, and had anywhere from 4-6 in my hair at all times –give or take!

Ahh the 90’s were great, weren’t they? By far my favorite decade! What’s your favorite thing from the 90’s?

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